Philip's Focus: The Week of August 14

Important Updates Around Shalimar
We have a very active church. There is something important going on all the time.  The most important thing, of course, are the number of lives being impacted for Jesus each week. We indeed have a very impactful church for Jesus.
In such a vibrant and busy church, our Beacon (our newsletter each week) is one of the primary ways we communicate with our congregation. Let me identify a few important items this month.
We have a called Charge Conference scheduled for August 28, 12:30pm in the Sanctuary. The sole purpose of this meeting is related to the proposed selling of the parsonage at 12 Meigs Drive. All members of the Church Council are the voting members of the Charge Conference. All are welcome to attend the Charge Conference.
Our special offering for our Ukraine family is throughout the month of August. The Tysiachnyi family will be arriving in August. We have agreed to partner with Samaritan’s Purse and sponsor their transition into our country over the next year. Our goal is to raise $45,000 to make this happen. What a great opportunity for us to get behind this as a church.
Our Church Council has requested a new task force be formed to gather information and better understand current denominational matters. The goal for this team is to provide accurate information for our congregation. The team will include our four lay delegates to Annual Conference Mark Bethea, Dave Biggar, Jim Brantley, Pat Gross, Kyle Wilson (Lay Leader), Renata Steiner, and our pastors. Also, for those that want to know more about what is going on in our denomination…Bishop Graves is having a meeting for laity on August 21, 4pm at Pensacola First United Methodist Church. All laity are invited to hear directly from the Bishop. No reservation is required.
Well, these are a few things I wanted to communicate with you this week. These are only a snippet of what is going on around Shalimar UMC. We have so much to celebrate! God is so good!
Hope to see you Sunday as we preach on being welcoming through our new Sermon series, “Welcome: Experience the Grace of God.”

Abigail Denney

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